
A Click Away: Individual and Government Actions to Ensure Cybersecurity

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Proper cybersecurity is essential in this day and age. The sudden outbreak of the global pandemic drastically accelerated digital transformation. Countless individuals, businesses, and government agencies were forced to transition to remote work; distance learning and digital services became common.

Experiencing a cyberattack is not entirely new, but the circumstances of the previous year expanded the environment for hackers to carry it out, which exacerbated this threat. Breaches in cybersecurity doubled compared to 2019. The need for better preparedness is necessary, but governments should also begin getting involved to address the issue at hand.

Personal Cybersecurity

There were 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide as of January 2021, which is equivalent to 59.5% of the global population. The United States is considered to be one of the leading countries when it comes to the number of internet users. As these figures continue to increase, the number of potential victims of a cyberattack rises along with it. Not to mention the extensive costs that cybercrimes can inflict.

The demand for adequate cybersecurity is vital, especially as the reliance on online tools and services persist. Fundamentally, cybersecurity starts at the personal level. Here are some basic actions to help you navigate through the expansive digital landscape safely without having to worry about security compromises.

Call the Experts

The easiest way to guarantee your cybersecurity is by outsourcing the services of professionals who have the necessary expertise. This is extremely important if personal or confidential information constantly travels to and from your network.


When looking to hire the services of an individual or a company, consider their Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). This is typically used to gauge the strength and effectiveness of their cybersecurity practices. It will be ideal if they meet the requirements of CMMC level 3, at the very least.

Learn the Ropes

If you’d rather not let another individual or entity handle your data, there’s always the option to do it yourself. Cybersecurity can be an extensive topic, but there are already plenty of insights and informational resources readily available.

There are free or fairly cheap classes you could take online. Networking with experts or other individuals with adequate experience should also be easy. Beginning to learn cybersecurity needs you to have a risk management perspective. The best part about learning it on your own is having the ability to customize your cybersecurity according to your needs.

Practice Basic Cyber Hygiene

You don’t necessarily have to dive deep into the specifics of cybersecurity to be protected. While learning about it is ideal, having good cyber hygiene should be a good enough place for you to start. These consist of very simple practices that are often overlooked.

Always make sure that your password strength is strong, especially when you’re required to create an account on a particular site or platform. Having multi-factor authentication is a good habit that you should work on. Ensuring your Wi-Fi connection is secure is also quite easy to achieve, especially if you use a virtual private network (VPN). Lastly, always update your anti-virus software applications.

Government Interventions

Cybersecurity legislation is also key when faced with the growing threats of a cyberattack. While this can be handled on a personal level, government action is still required. In 2020, at least 38 states introduced or considered over 280 bills or resolutions that tackle cybersecurity. Here are some more ways the government can address this growing demand.

The Power for Cooperation

The sheer amount of information being shared ever since the start of the global pandemic has increased massively. Dealing with issues related to cybersecurity requires both national and international cooperation.

Certain viruses should be regarded as common enemies in the digital realm. There is a need to increase trust between agencies, industries, and countries to create a safer world for everybody online. The exchange of vital knowledge and information can be impactful for finding solutions and shaping policies.

Increase Awareness

Nobody is spared from being vulnerable to a cyberattack, especially when it’s just one bad click away. As technological advancements continue at such a rapid pace, the government needs to spread awareness surrounding cybersecurity.

digital world

Regardless of age, industry, or gender, educating everyone on the various threats that loom online is a necessity. The government could also consider working in conjunction with the private sector to create unified awareness campaigns for all.

The Digital Age

The world’s increasing reliance on technology and the internet can be a double-edged sword. It significantly improves the overall quality of life by making daily operations more convenient and accessible, especially in a crisis. However, it can also be extremely tricky to navigate and end up causing harm to the unaware.

The importance of cybersecurity will only continue to increase, even in the post-pandemic world. Ultimately, cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. While any individual can easily accomplish it, the government is also expected to create relevant legislation to safeguard the public.

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