
Affirmative Action for the Betterment of Society

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The best thing you can do in life is leaving the world a bit better than you found it. Whether it is making a positive impact on someone’s life or improving things, that is our most precious goal.

With that in mind, let us look at four ways to better the cities and countries where we live.

A Satisfied Workforce

happy workforce

Few things are more important for the betterment of societies than the existence of companies. There are several reasons for this. First, business drives economic development, which leads to a better quality of life for everyone. Second, the more enterprises there are, the higher the rate of competition. This fosters innovation and a shorter time for the release of new products and services. Finally, firms give people work. And when people have work, they have money for their own sustenance and that of their families. Hence, they don’t need to steal from others, and cities become safer.

But the companies themselves cannot run alone. They need employees. If prosperity is what they desire, they need qualified staff working efficiently. They also need their workforce to be motivated. Whether through the provision of high salaries, fringe benefits, adequate training, or the services of a creditable employee motivation consultant, an inspired workforce is paramount to business success and profitability.

A Moral-based Education

In moral theory, there are two major schools of thought. The first one is moral universalism. It claims that there are moral principles that apply to all regardless of the situation. In essence, there are two ways to tackle everything, the good and the bad.

On the other hand, there is moral relativism. A much more realistic approach to circumstance, this view supports the idea that good or evil is based on the situation. Running a traffic light is generally a bad thing to do. However, when you have a sick child in your backseat, chances are the last thing you care about is proper driving etiquette.

Whether you believe in one or the other is up to you. Still, if we want future generations to be better than previous or existing ones, we need to educate our children on the importance of morality and doing the right thing. Parents and educators alike are responsible for raising conscious individuals that act following the proper principles.

Collaboration Between Governments and Private Sector

people discussing

The covid-19 global pandemic has taught us many lessons. It has made us aware of how vital it is to engage in proper personal hygiene. It has also reminded us that rules are there for a reason and discipline is paramount in times of crisis. But perhaps most importantly, it has made it very clear that we have to work together if we are to survive as a human species. We cannot remain individualistic, selfish, and petty.

From a global perspective, this means governments and private companies working hand-in-hand on mutually inclusive goals that render win-win scenarios for everyone. For instance, pharmaceutical companies should exercise flexibility as it pertains to their data, and share valuable information with health government agencies. Likewise, national leaders should make sure those working day and night to provide vaccines for the masses are rewarded for their efforts fairly.

Collaboration is also crucial in many other areas of society, including transportation, public services, and infrastructure.

Civic Responsibility

No matter how we all say we are the same, the reality is that we are not. Some people are more educated than others or have better skills. While one person can be good at sports, the other might excel in music, painting, or another one of the arts.

The same goes for countries. A few at the top are better than the rest. They are cleaner, function more efficiently, and offer more privileges to their citizens. For example, education in most Scandinavian countries is free for all, and places like Japan and Singapore are cleaner than other places on earth.

Which begs the question, why is that? Why can some live in striving societies while others cannot? Answers to these and other questions are not that simple. Yet, it starts with civic responsibility and the understanding that we are neither independent nor dependent but rather interdependent. We need to work as a unit if we are to flourish.

If we want to build better communities and societies for our children and grandchildren, we should ensure businesses treat their employees with justice and respect. We should also teach our children the importance of morals and being socially conscious individuals. Finally, the government should work together with private enterprises to put in place policies that benefit all members of society.

Only then will we live in a world we not only want and need but also deserve.

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