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Common Social Issues: What You Should Remember

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On December 18th, 1865, the 13th Amendment was passed in the United States, marking the end of legal slavery in America. In the nineteenth century, few matters were as crucial as the topic of human ownership. Fast forward almost 200 years, and things have drastically changed. These are three of the most pertinent social issues today.

Access to Healthcare

Having access to at least a basic level of healthcare is a fundamental right all individuals should possess. Regardless of social standing, race, religion, or anything else, it is as vital as water, electricity, food, or education.

Still, in many countries across the globe, and even in several regions of the United States of America, that is not the case. While those with ample financial resources can enjoy the best hospitals and top-tier physicians and nurses, those with less usually have to settle for whatever they can find. Sometimes, especially in rural areas, this amounts to virtually nothing.

Nevertheless, all is not doom and gloom. Today, patients suffering from conditions such as Mantle Cell Lymphoma, Huntington Disease, or Lung Cancer can enroll in compensated market research studies where they can share their personal experiences, learn from others, and make some money. In addition, governments and the private sector continue to work hand in hand to provide viable solutions to guarantee that everyone’s right to be healthy is upheld.

Haves and Have Nots

In the vast majority of cases, an individual with enough money to provide for themselves and their family will not steal. Likewise, they will not kill, kidnap, sell drugs, extort others, or engage in any other type of racketeering. Of course, exceptions to the rule exist, and some do bad things simply because they are bad people. Still, most humans are not genetically evil, and the behaviors they choose to partake in are learned along the way.

When narrowing the social gap between the rich and the poor, there are two underlying issues to consider. The first is education. If a person can have a minimum of secondary education, they will undoubtedly learn the many skills required to find a position and make a living. Over time, they can add more knowledge to their arsenal and continue climbing the corporate ladder.

The second is corruption. Naturally, those at the top wish to remain there, often by any means necessary. They don’t want to share the lavishes that their wealth provides. Because of this, they manipulate the system, bribe those in leadership roles, and break the law.

And those at the bottom take these bribes because they have to. After all, integrity doesn’t put food on the table or a roof over your head.

woman messaging someone on her phone

The Gateway to Information

According to Reporters Without Borders, or RSF, Norway, Finland, and Sweden are the top three countries in the world concerning freedom of speech. In this trio of Scandinavian nations, both members of the press and regular citizens alike can voice their opinions without fear of government retribution. Whether it is done through formal channels like television and radio news stations or informal platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, people are allowed to say what they want to say.

On the other hand, there are lands where ordinary folks cannot even open a YouTube channel or a Gmail account. These are societies driven by hyper-regulation, paranoia, and the extreme desire to stay in positions of power.

The biggest weapon human beings have at our disposal is information. With it, we can learn from each other, collaborate, and better manage public health crises like the current COVID-19 pandemic. We can also develop as people, pay it forward for our children and grandchildren, and make the world a better place for all.

We have taken a closer look at three of the most important social issues currently at the forefront. The first is the provision of an all-encompassing universal healthcare system that includes urban and rural areas and disregards economic standing or other social factors.

The second entails the two key reasons for an ever-widening income gap. These are a lack of education for impoverished communities and the prevalence of corruption.

Finally, it’s about not only having the right to get relevant information but also the ability to voice your opinion in times of disagreement. Others include racial justice, gender equality, climate change, and economic interdependence.

The primary purpose of a community is to improve over time. As with most things in life, this can only be achieved by tackling the most pertinent issues and facing the many social realities and challenges that lay ahead.

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