two kids doing homework

Is Your Little One Struggling Academically? 5 Signs to Watch Out For

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All parents want their children to succeed in school. But sometimes, despite your best efforts, your little one seems to struggle at school. They may not get good grades, have trouble paying attention in class, or seem generally disengaged from their academic life.

According to a study, six out of ten kids fail to learn minimum proficiency levels in math and reading subjects. This is a cause of great concern because it indicates that they will have trouble keeping up with their peers as they move through school.

Signs Your Little One Struggles To Keep Up in School

There’s a difference between a child who’s simply not interested in school and one who finds it hard to keep up. If your child is exhibiting any of the following signs, it may be time to talk to their teacher or get extra help outside school.

Failure To Meet Grade-level Expectations

Each grade level has specific expectations regarding what students should be able to do academically. If your child is consistently not meeting these expectations, take this as a sign of academic issue.

For example, suppose your child is in second grade but can’t seem to answer basic addition and subtraction equations. In that case, this is a cause for concern. Or, if your child is in fifth grade but is having a hard time reading at a fifth-grade level, this is also a sign that they’re having difficulty keeping up with their peers.

Disinterest In Schoolwork

A child who’s struggling in school may start to show a disinterest in schoolwork. They may no longer want to do their homework, start skipping class, or generally seem uninterested in anything about school.

girl in classroom

Of course, there will always be days (or even periods) when your child doesn’t want to do homework or go to school. But if this is a consistent pattern, it may signify that something more serious is going on.

Trouble Keeping Up With Classwork

If your child is having trouble keeping up with the pace of the class, it’s a sign that they’re having a hard time catching up academically. This may manifest itself in several ways, such as not being able to finish an assignment on time or not understanding concepts their teacher is teaching them.

Avoidance of Social Situations Related to School

Is your child avoiding social situations related to school—such as lunch with friends or after-school activities? It could be an indication that they’re having trouble academically. This could be due to bullying, feeling like an outsider, or simply feeling overwhelmed by the academic curriculum. Talk to them about what’s happening and see if there’s anything you can do to help them feel more comfortable at school.

Negative Self-talk About School or Academic Abilities

Is your child engaging in negative self-talk about school or their academic abilities? For example, they may say things like “I’m never going to understand this” or “I’m not good at school.” This sort of talk can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, so it’s crucial to nip it in the bud.

What Can You Do To Help?

If your child is stumbling academically, know that you’re not alone—and there are things you can do to help. The following shows some of the best ways to start helping your kids:

Talk to Their Teachers

This is always a good place to start. If you have a growing concern about your child’s academic performance, set up a meeting with their teacher to discuss your concerns. They may be able to give you insights into what’s going on and offer suggestions for how you can help your child at home.

Encourage Them to Keep Trying

If your child is struggling with academics, you must encourage them to keep trying. Help them see that intelligence can grow with effort and practice. And remind them that everyone struggles with things from time to time—even grown-ups.

One way to do this is by using growth mindset principles. This means reframing the way your child thinks about their intelligence and abilities. For example, instead of saying, “I’m so bad at math,” they could say, “I’m not good at math yet, but I’m going to keep practicing, and I’ll get there.”

Get Them Extra Help

You can consider getting your little one some extra help outside of school. This might mean hiring a tutor, enrolling them in an academic enrichment program, or working with them at home on specific subjects. Many great resources are available, so talk to your child’s teachers or do some research online to find the best fit for your child.

Find Out if They Have a Learning Disorder

If you suspect your child’s academic difficulties are due to a learning disorder, talk to your child’s doctor. They can refer you to a specialist who can give your child a comprehensive evaluation. Once you have a diagnosis, you can develop an effective treatment plan to help your child succeed.

For example, specialists diagnosed your little one with a language processing disorder. You must find a reliable center that offers learning disability disorder solutions. Such centers help treat language processing disorders through comprehensive assessment, counseling, and therapy to help them cope with their condition. Just be sure to do your research, and find a center with the right accreditations with a good rack record catering to kids with learning disorders.

Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome

When it comes to academics, remember to \focus on the process, not the outcome. In other words, instead of praising your child for getting an “A” on their math test, compliment them for studying hard and doing their best. This will help them see that their effort is more vital than their grades.

And finally, don’t forget to give yourself some grace. Parenting is hard work, and you’re not expected to be perfect. Do your best to support your child, and know that you’re doing a great job.

If your child is struggling academically, there are things you can do to help. The first step is to check if they have signs showing academic issues. Next, talk to their teachers, encourage them to keep trying, and get them extra help if needed. And remember to focus on the process, not the outcome. With a little effort and patience, you can help your child succeed in school and life.

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