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Omnichannel Marketing: Why Your Business Needs to Switch From Multichannel

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Marketing plays an essential role in a business, from generating leads and acquiring new customers to increasing sales. Apart from that, if we take a look at some of the most successful companies, nearly all of them boast robust marketing sectors. And whether it be customer engagement or advertising, you can bet that they’ve mastered it.

However, marketing skill and prowess alone is not what makes these companies shine but rather a concrete strategy that keeps them competitive. And while for the longest time, we’ve all paid attention to the benefits of multichannel marketing, a new one seeks to disrupt its reign.

A marketing strategy that is more customer-centered and geared towards creating a unified experience for all its clients—omnichannel marketing.

What is the Key Difference?

Sure, both of these strategies share the same goal of increasing sales and brand awareness for the business, but what sets them apart is how they go about it. While the end goal remains the same, the process is where it counts, and that’s where these two marketing strategies begin to diverge.

Let’s first take a look at their definitions. Multichannel pertains to the use of multiple channels, utilizing as many channels as possible to increase traffic and numbers. On the other hand, omnichannel focus on integrating these numerous channels to create one seamless customer experience.

In exchange for numbers, what you get in return is streamlined customer engagement and consistency.

Integration of Channels

team workingAt the core of omnichannel marketing is integration, so that availing services or purchasing products, regardless of the medium used, is interconnected and uniform. It helps you convey consistent branding and messaging consistent, making it a powerful marketing strategy.

Take Starbucks, for example. Whether people buy through their app, purchase in-store, or order off their official website, they experience a consistent customer service from Starbucks. Even when accumulating rewards, all channels take in the same information and are updated accordingly.

Also, imagine its implementation in your own business’s customer service and support line if a client asks questions about the service or product through your official FB page. An omnichannel customer service strategy will allow them to easily translate their concerns through email without going through the process of explaining all over again.

To name a few, here are some marketing channels that can be integrated:

  • Social Media: One of the most prevalent marketing channels out there, social media stands to be any marketing team’s best friend. From Twitter to Facebook, and even an official Instagram account. These platforms offer a great way to engage with customers and onboard them into your niche. Plus, advertising is done best through social media.
  • Instant Messaging Apps: Be it Messenger, WeChat, or WhatsApp, instant messaging apps work as bridges that connect you to your target audience. If they want to voice concerns, ask questions, or need general help, these applications are the number one place to go. Plus, with these apps, you can easily direct them to your official website, page, or even be in touch with someone on the line.
  • Emails: When it comes to sending out newsletters, informing customers of discounts, or any promos, emails are a surefire way to catch their attention. It’s also an excellent method of linking your clients back to your official website, store, and even to your social media and have them stay updated with your offerings.
  • Online Shopping Sites: Last but not least, we can’t deny the greatness that are online shopping sites. From eye-catching adverts, flash deals, and more, these websites are sure to draw customers in.

Focus on Customer Experience

From boat dealers to real estate, all manners of business understand the value of delivering excellent customer experience. And with omnichannel marketing, great customer experience is exactly what it aims to provide through integration.

  • Personalized: Through a consistent experience, a customer’s engagement with your brand becomes much more personalized. Without having to go through repetitive processes, a customer can enjoy their time spent with your business.
  • Consistency: Through integrated channels, your business can customize messages and reach out to your customer base more effectively. It will also garner higher customer retention as you can establish stronger connections with your audience.

How Can You Start?

To sum it all up, omnichannel marketing is the obvious next step to multichannel. But before you can do any of that correctly, you must first understand your customers. Creating an integrated and personalized experience requires having reliable data that reflects your clients’ behaviors. This way, you can optimize according to their needs.

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