Recruiting the Right Talent for Your Community with These Hiring Tools

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A community is not merely a place for many people with the same interests. It has a vision from the founding members, such as helping the victims of bullying, encouraging a healthy lifestyle, until encouraging private companies to become environmentally friendly. ;

The community also has missions to reach the community’s goals. Therefore, they need the right talent that goes along with their community’s vision.

There are various organizational structures and members to run a community. The most common formation has the board of directors, board committees, and members.

A well-established community usually has a firm guide on the board, and even member, recruitment. The more famous your community is, the stronger its presence to attract people to be a part of the community.

If you are a part of the established community and entrusted to be the recruiter of board committees, you might struggle to find the right talent.

Compared to a member, board committees will hold an essential role for the community. They will be in charge of the tasks delegated by the board directors. ;

Here are the tips and software to help you recruit the right talent to prevent yourself from drowning beneath the application papers.

Conduct online applications.

In the vast developing society, online application has replaced an old-fashioned way to hire someone.

It is happening in the hiring process and the community’s talent recruitment. You might start directing the applicants to send email to you. It was simple until you checked hundreds of applications and sorted out the best candidate.

To prevent yourself from overwhelmed, you can use online applicant tracking software. It will help you rank, track, and discuss the candidates with your colleague.

If you are using software to assist you, it will enhance time efficiency with less effort. It will also provide the visibility of the whole team’s recruitment process. ;

You can conduct testing or assessment after finding the top list of the applicants. The purpose is to confirm the applicants’ skills and ensure that they reach your community’s standard.

There is also some software that you can use to assist you in conducting a test and an assessment. The software can review a candidate’s personality according to your community’s needs. It has an objective judgment that will help the first layer of screening.

After you sort out the applicants for the next step, it is time for you to do your research.

person at an interview

Recognize the member’s contribution.

As soon as the numbers of applicants narrowed, you can start recognizing each applicant’s contribution to the community when they were just a member.

Perhaps, you will find some skillful board committee candidates. Nevertheless, do not turn a blind eye to the history of members’ dedication. It is an essential part of recruitment. Someone can be skillful but not loyal. And it will become a nuisance when you are managing a community with someone who is not reliable. They will have a lot of excuses to avoid tasks. They might only seek benefit from the community to enhance their resume.

Even when hiring an employee, you have to consider their loyalty. The same goes for recruiting a community’s board committee.

You can set up your screening software according to someone’s loyalty. If necessary, you can conduct an interview session with the candidate.

There is also a video interviewing software that you can use to assist you in this process. The software can examine the candidate’s facial expressions, choice of words, voice tonality, etc. You can take the examination results into your consideration.

Ask for a recommendation.

With the narrowing number of candidates, it will be easier to conduct a thorough discussion with the other board members. You have to make sure that the candidates don’t have any bad blood with the other board members. It will affect the atmosphere and the performance of your community.

Choose the one with a balanced skill and loyalty. Bear in mind that they will make recommendations to the board for discussion and action for the sake of a better community. And their skills will enhance board productivity.

Refrain from allocating someone to work under more than two committees or task forces. It is because it will decrease their productivity.

Board committee recruitment is a vital moment for your community. It’s because they will be a part of the community’s hands and feet to reach the goals. They will continue to preserve the community’s values. Minimize human mistakes by using hiring software.

It resembles the process of hiring new employees for a company. Besides recognizing their talents, you have to consider their loyalty to the community. In the future, they might become the board of directors to lead the community according to their vision.

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