Website Engagement: Tips for Your Website

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Today, companies need a website to reach out to customers. But in a sea of millions of websites, how do you make yours stand out? Here are some tips and tricks to consider:

Make your website easy to navigate

Your visitors should be able to get the information they need in just a few clicks. If they have to open several pages to do this, then you need to redesign your website’s navigational features. Make it as easy to use as possible. If you can let them read an article or buy a product with just one to two clicks, then that’s better.

Keep it simple

website easy to navigate

Related to having easy navigational features, keep the overall design of your website simple, too. Remove unnecessary clutter and make sure that everything you put on each page has a purpose. Of course, simple does not mean bland or boring. You can find layout designs that are elegant but still simple.

Maximise the images and videos you upload

A website is a highly visual medium. To add some pizzazz to it, make use of some relevant images or videos for your pages. But be sure to keep a balance between visual content and text that complement each other. If you have to use videos, consider how easily visitors will be able to view it.

Speak in an authoritative but friendly tone

Some websites become too formal, technical, or full of jargon with their content. Visitors might go to a different site because of this. Keep yours authoritative while still maintaining a friendly tone. Provide trustworthy information by giving references or providing testimonials. But don’t sound too much of a know-it-all. You want to engage visitors, not talk down at them after all.

Make the site SEO-friendly

You want to keep driving traffic to your site. You want people to find your site when they search for services or products related to what you offer. One of the best ways to do this is to rank high in search engine results. To get such a result, make use of search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies.

SEO is a technique that involves maximising components such as title tags, meta descriptions, site navigation, internal linking, and keywords. If you’re lost in all this jargon, then your best option is to find a search engine optimisation company that will help you achieve this goal. Whether you’re in Sydney or anywhere else in the world, you’ll need SEO strategies if you want your site to be searchable.

Provide sufficient contact details

Make sure that your site has the usual contact details such as your telephone number, email address, physical address, and management team. To make your site more engaging, provide your company’s social media contact details as well. Take note, though, that just because many companies have social media accounts doesn’t mean that your company should open an account on all social media channels.

An account needs regular upkeep. If you can’t maintain constant engagement with clients through social media, it’s better to have just a few accounts. What’s more important than having a social media presence is being able to promptly answer all inquiries that you receive.

A website isn’t just a tool to share your company’s services or products. It’s also a tool to build a relationship with current and potential clients. It can also be a great marketing tool to promote your company on the World Wide Web.

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