A Checklist Take Great Care of Your Family, Home, and Auto

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If you’re the head of your household, it’s not only your responsibility to take great care of your family and possessions; for most people, it’s a matter of pride and joy. We all want our family to be cared for, safe, and happy. Part of that is maintaining our homes, automobiles, and other property. In the process of that family business, it’s also nice to be complimented on how together and organized we seem (even if we don’t feel that way).

When we can manage and maintain our lives and the things in them, it can give us the sense of calm and confidence we need to be happy, confident, and productive in all aspects of our lives. But sometimes, it’s tough to hold everything all together. It seems like we’re being pulled in a hundred different directions: the kids need to go to practice, the car won’t start, you just noticed a gigantic hole in the roof, and the air conditioning broke down in the middle.

Everything seems to happen at once. But the good news is that planning for these upsets can make things a bit easier. Not sure where to start? Relax; we’ve got you covered with this handy checklist to take great care of your family, home, and automobiles.

1. Know Where Various Health Clinics Are Located for Emergencies

A medical emergency is one of the most important things to be prepared for when you have a family. Accidents and illnesses can strike anytime, especially if you have kids. Everything from falls and flu to insect strings and deep cuts can ruin your day. So, knowing where to go for help in your area is vital when you need a medical professional to take great care of your family.

First, see where the closest hospital with an emergency room is located, retain the information on everyone’s phones, and keep it on the fridge or corkboard. Preload the driving directions into your GPS, so you’re prepared. Next, find the location of the closest urgent care or emergency health clinic facility. Sometimes, the wait time in clinics may not be as long, and they’re also less expensive.

Finally, learn where the specialists are, such as emergency dentists, eye doctors, and chiropractors. Accidents involving the teeth and eyes are more common than you might think and require special attention. Sometimes, a chiropractor can quickly solve sudden pain issues.

2. Plan Your Estate for Your Children

Estate planning is one of those things that makes everyone cringe a little. It’s way down low on the bucket list, but it’s a part of life for us to take great care of our family, specifically children. The best time to do this is when you’re expecting a baby.

Always involve an estate planning legal professional, a financial planner, and your family and close friends. Time is necessary because choosing a guardian for your children is a huge part of planning. If something happens to you and your partner, you’ll need to name a legal guardian who will care for them.

This will need to be well-thought-out and discussed with possible candidates. You want someone who will take great care of your children, love them, and provide for them financially. This leads us to the next part of estate planning, drawing up a will. You’ll not only be leaving your physical possessions to your loved ones, but you’ll need to distribute monetary support in an age-appropriate manner. If you don’t set up specific instructions, anyone can dispute your wishes and deny your children the support they need.

On the other hand, setting up a trust is always advisable. Otherwise, your children can legally access their inheritance at 18, which is not always for the best. You’ll need to appoint someone you trust to be the executor of the will and have power of attorney to distribute your assets appropriately and manage your bequests.

3. Assess Your Roof

Not to downplay the other components that make up the physical building of your home, but if the roof goes, you’re in trouble. A bad roof can cause leaks that lead to mold and destruction of your electrical system, insulation, walls, and general property. It can be easily compromised during storms, causing collapse or large pieces to fly off, which could cause serious injury.

So, take great care of your family and have your roof assessed for issues before they happen. It’s not expensive (around $250 for the average home) and only takes a short time. Roofing experts will come to your home and thoroughly inspect the roof, attic, gutters, and possibly other areas. They’ll look for cracks, missing tiles or shingles, splits, curling, corrosion, rust, and wood rot.

The inspector will also check for signs of leaks and water damage in the form of moss and algae outside and yellowish/brown stains or bubbles on the interior walls and ceiling. Additionally, they’ll look for signs of pooling water and moist areas in the attic and crawl spaces. The roof assessor typically takes a few days to get you a detailed report.

4. Clean Your Septic Tank

Septic tanks are underground tanks made from concrete or fiberglass that collect and treat wastewater from homes. Typically found in rural areas, they’re an alternative to public sewer lines that take the wastewater to a central location to be treated. A septic tank has a lot of good qualities, but it requires more maintenance and cleaning by the homeowner than a sewer system.

Tanks need to be inspected and cleaned regularly. If you fail to perform septic system cleaning, the oils can clog the tank, causing your indoor pipes to back up. It can also overflow into your yard, causing a terrible smell and mess and allowing bacteria to fester, which can cause illness. Take great care of your family by employing the help of a septic tank company for proper cleaning. The methane gas and germs that build up make it dangerous to do it yourself.

5. Update Your HVAC

Providing clean air that’s toasty warm in the winter and breezy cool in the summer is one of the best ways to take great care of yourself and your family. So if you’re heating, ventilation. The air conditioning system (HVAC) is not doing the job; you should consider upgrading it. Ways to do this include installing a programmable or smart thermostat that you can control from anywhere, new insulation (helps maintain a comfortable temperature), HEPA air filters, installation of a dehumidifier, and new carbon monoxide detectors.

If your heating or air conditioning units are over ten years old, you may want to consider a total upgrade of those systems. This can save money on utility bills and repairs and keep your family more comfortable. Scheduling HVAC contractors for regular maintenance inspections can ensure you’re always up-to-date and never left out in the cold.

6. Enhance Your Landscaping

Believe it or not, upgrading or enhancing your landscaping is a fabulous way to take great care of your family. If you own a home, you likely have a regular landscaping routine with grass, bushes, shrubs, and a few trees. But stepping up your landscape game can make a huge difference to your family’s quality of life. The best part is, you don’t need to break the bank, especially if you do it yourself.

Landscapers are great but can be expensive, especially for projects that aren’t part of your contract or veer from their regular tasks. So here are a few ideas you can easily do yourself to enhance your landscape. First, add a walkway if you’ve got a grassy or dirt area that everyone is tromping through. Many stepping stones or pacers are as little as a dollar per piece. They’re easily installed, have a classic look, and you’ll no longer have debris tracked through the house.

Next, plant perennial flowers like tulips, hostas, lavender, and aster. They’re colorful and attractive, and the best part is they come back every year, saving you time and money. If you’re having difficulty growing anything, consider a rock garden; it’s clean and beautiful, and virtually no care is needed. Other quick ideas include water features, vegetable gardens, path lighting, and planting tree saplings.

7. Purchase Mulch for Your Garden

While you take great care of your family, home, and cars, don’t forget about your garden beds. Laying down mulch is an excellent start as it helps retain moisture, controls weeds, helps prevent erosion, and regulates the temperature of the soil, keeping plant roots cool on the hottest days. The best time to lay mulch is in early spring because the soil will be excellent, and weeds will not be rampant. Additionally, many garden centers and mulch shops will be well stocked and running spring clean-up sales.

There are many different types of mulch out there, so what you decide to use depends on your climate, plant types, and personal preference. For example, organic materials like wood chips and shredded leaves are a great choice if you live in areas with fluctuating temperatures. Inorganic materials like stone or seashells are a better choice in a dry or high fire-prone area.

Wood bark makes for a beautiful display if you’re looking for aesthetically appealing mulch. Don’t like the smell that mulch can sometimes bring, try cocoa bean shells. They’re a bit more expensive, but this mulch is attractive, and you’ll have the neighborhood smelling like a freshly opened candy bar!

8. Have Good Auto Insurance

Good car insurance can be expensive, especially if you have new drivers. The good news is that many companies seek the opportunity to take great care of your insurance needs. The most important thing you need to do is research which company is right for you. Most states require that you have liability insurance, which covers you in case of an accident.

Comprehensive insurance, which covers things like theft and vandalism, is optional. Still, it is recommended if you use your car for work or live in specific geographic locations, or if you have a new or leased vehicle. You may also want to consider higher liability coverage if you drive a lot and have teen drivers. Discussing all your options (including payment plans) with auto insurance support agents before committing to a company is vital.

9. Make Sure you Have a Towing Service

The need for a towing service cannot be stressed enough, especially when you have new young drivers. It makes taking great care of your family much easier when you or they are on the road. There are things worse as a parent than getting a phone call from your child and being unable to help – unless a car is involved. We can’t always be there to jumpstart, change a tire, or make arrangements to get the vehicle towed if needed.

Having a tow service on call is not just a convenience; it’s also a safety measure that can give everyone peace of mind. Many tow services not only tow but also offer roadside assistance and will charge a dead battery, check for loose connections, and bring gas. Depending on your location, they’ll even give you a ride to a mechanic’s shop, safe area, or home.

10. Check Your Transmission Regularly

If you’re looking for ways to take great care of your family regarding their automobiles, one of the best ways to do that is to ensure the transmission is performing correctly. It moves the power from the engine to the wheels and allows for smooth idling and acceleration. If the transmission malfunctions, you may notice the car shaking or lurching when you step on the gas.

Other signs your transmission is in trouble are grinding or slipping when shifting gears, a burning smell, and even clouds of smoke. The easiest way to avoid transmission problems is to check and change the transmission fluid regularly. The issues could also be worn-out bands or gears, dirty filters, or software problems. Transmissions can be expensive to repair or replace (often costing half of the car is worth). So, it’s recommended that you have your vehicle serviced by a mechanic regularly who can offer transmission support if needed.

Maintaining a home, automobiles, and the health and safety of your family can be daunting. But you don’t have to do it alone. Consider assigning everyone tasks that they’re in charge of maintaining. Pulling together as a team can help ensure you take great care of everyone and everything!



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