woman using a laptop

A Complete Monthly Maintenance Checklist for Computers

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Thanks to the integration of electronics in almost every aspect of day to day life, we are now more reliant on electronics than ever. But electronic devices, like all products, can get damaged quickly if you don’t take care of them. According to some estimates, 40 million tons of electronics end up in landfills and garbage dumps every year. Only about 12 percent of this waste will get recycled.

It’s crucial for you and the environment that you take the best care of your electronics. You can start by going through this monthly maintenance checklist for your personal computer. Aside from making sure you do everything on this list, it’s also highly encouraged that you schedule appointments with a reliable computer doctor.

  1. Update Your Software

There are multiply types of software your computer might need to function. Operating software is a vital framework that enables your computer to work in the first place. Anti-virus software guards your computer against malware. Developers launch updates of this software to fix any bugs and improve their efficiency.

A common mistake is to delay software updates because they take up a lot of time. This is a mistake. Software updates exist for a reason, and suspending them prevents your computer from running at peak capacity. This is especially true for anti-virus updates, which enables the program to identify new threats.

  1. Scan Your Computer

Not everything wrong in your computer will manifest overtly. Sometimes system problems will lead to slower processing times, reduce capacity, or frequent crashes. The only way to be sure if something is wrong with your computer is to complete scans.

Anti-virus scans can take up a lot of time to assess every nook and cranny of your computer. Take the time to let these programs identify threats and alert you of any problems with your computer.

woman sitting in front of her computer

  1. Remove Unnecessary Files

During a single month, all sorts of data can accumulate in your computer, from the necessary to the unnecessary. Files belonging to the latter category should be deleted quickly, or else they could end up slowing down your computer. Here’s how you can remove these types of files from your computer:

  • Asses all data in your recycle bin, restore any files you might have accidentally put there, and empty it.
  • Clear your browser history, including cached data.
  • Run the software that defragments your drive, freeing up your hard drive.
  • Go through your documents, photos, and videos and systematically remove extraneous files.

Removing unnecessary files from your computer helps speed up your computer and reduces system stress.

  1. Physically Clean Your Computer

Finally, you shouldn’t neglect physically cleaning up your computer. Dust particles, food crumbs, and other debris can all contribute to your computer’s eventual degradation. Here’s a rundown of what you should routinely clean around your computer:

  • Use a fine brush to remove debris from under your keys.
  • Use a dry cloth to clean dust from your computer’s ports.
  • Wipe your screen with LCD-friendly cleaners.
  • Wipe down and organize all cables attached to your computer to avoid entanglement.

With this checklist, you can extend your computer’s lifespan and avoid junking it sooner than is necessary. Your efforts will benefit not only your budget but also the environment.

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