Community Building amid the COVID-19 Crisis: Ways to Help Your Community Cope with the Pandemic

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The COVID-19 crisis has brought the whole world to a standstill. Not only has it affected public health and endangered lives, but it has disrupted our way of living. Think of its impact on livelihoods, food supplies, jobs, education, finances, relationships, and even leisure activities.

It’s good that every individual has somehow adjusted to the pandemic after more than a year. Businesses and public places have gradually reopened, while vaccinated people have gone outdoors. As such, now is the best time to start building the communities.

However, community building isn’t only the government’s sole responsibility. Every resident plays a crucial role in helping the entire community cope with the pandemic. That said, here’s how to build your community amid the COVID-19 crisis:

1. Set health and safety measures in place

It’s easy to see many people now observing health and safety protocols. For the most part, they strictly follow measures such as mask-wearing, social distancing, frequent handwashing, and hand sanitizing. Although some people have already gotten vaccinated, they must continue to adhere to these protocols.

As a community leader, ensure that all your community members comply with these health and safety protocols. Hold them accountable for non-compliance and make them responsible for their actions. Lastly, continue to implement community guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

2. Conduct community cleaning and disinfection

While the various strains of novel coronavirus continue to spread, it’s crucial to conduct community cleaning and disinfection regularly. By now, you should have scheduled regular cleaning performed by community workers. To get everyone involved, consider getting some volunteers too.

In addition, make sure that every household performs regular cleaning within their respective premises. Also, business owners must ensure proper cleaning, disinfection, and even ventilation before reopening their commercial properties. They must set a cleaning routine in place to be on the safe side.

3. Provide COVID-19 updates on social media

It’s no secret how powerful social media is in this time and age. Take note of the 4.50 billion active social media users worldwide. These individuals have relied heavily on social media channels for personal interactions, business purposes, and even COVID-19 updates.

As a community leader, you might have already tapped a social media manager to create and maintain a social media page for your community. Be sure to keep your people updated about the COVID-19 crisis. For instance, post venues and schedules of vaccination in your community.

4. Help create digital platforms for local businesses

There’s no denying how many local businesses closed last year due to the pandemic restrictions. It’s good that some relevant enterprises have managed to survive and thrive amid the crisis.

As a community leader, you must create a digital platform to support local businesses. They can continue their operation online if they can’t yet afford to reopen. As an entrepreneur, harness the power of the web to continue running your business and cater to your community needs.

5. Volunteer for community works and give donations

We now live in an unprecedented time where we need to support each other. As a leader, you should encourage volunteerism in your community while ensuring health and safety.

As community members, have some time to support community activities amid the crisis. For instance, help deliver goods or supplies to those who cannot put food on their table during this pandemic. Those who are fortunate enough can also donate to those in need.

6. Provide safe recreational activities

As the pandemic restrictions are getting lighter and lighter, it’s time to pursue recreational activities slowly. But while the pandemic is here to stay, health and safety are still the names of the game.

For instance, you can initiate community gardening for leisure and recreation. It can also help address food insecurity in your locality. You can also have a dog boot camp in your area to keep pet owners busy and preoccupied during this pandemic. Lastly, you can start initiating sports for those who are already vaccinated.

7. Start at home

Health and safety start at home. It is every family’s responsibility to set protocols in their own house. Every household must also have regular cleaning and disinfection within their premises.

In addition, every family member should get themselves vaccinated to protect themselves and other people in their community. If all community members put these in mind and into practice, we can all surpass the COVID-19 crisis.

At this point, you now know what it takes to help your community cope with the COVID-19 crisis. Whether you’re a community leader or member, consider the community-building strategies recommended above. Know that it is everyone’s responsibility to help rebuild the community. With a collaborative effort, we can all rise above the pandemic situation.

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