teen volunteer

How to Encourage Teens to Be Active Members of the Community

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Teenagers can contribute a lot of things to the community they live in. Families are the ones who provide the love and support that teenagers need to become independent. And being active in the community will help teenagers be less likely to have suicidal thoughts and become depressed. They will do better in school and socializing, and they will find an easier way to stay away from troubles.

Why do teens need to be involved in the community?

Being active in the community allows teens to have more opportunities to become more independent, successful, and be ready for adulthood. They will also meet new friends and practice their socialization skills. Teens will learn more about themselves, their skills, and their talents. They will help each other to learn more about their unknown skills.

If a teen is active in the community, they will never be alone. They will have their own company to lean on, especially when they are afraid or uncomfortable to share their problems with their parents. He will have a place to run to and people to talk to whenever needed.

The teens help each other, the better they will feel. And they will be less likely to feel alone. They will feel that someone will always be there for them.

How to get teens more active in the community

Allow them to help other people.

Ask teens in your community about service projects. You can set a project where they can help or volunteer in helping shelters, nursing homes, care centers, hospitals, or other towns and villages.

Encourage them to join political campaigns. Allow them to coach other children if they know some skills like basketball or other sports. Set neighborhood cleaning activity too, especially where they live.

teen volunteers

Lower the cost of activities but not the quality

Many teenagers do not want or are unable to participate in community events because some events or activities cost a lot. They are teenagers and students. Some have strict parents and won’t give them money to participate in these activities.

It is good to keep some activities free without sacrificing the quality of events. Teens won’t entertain these activities, especially when they are boring. An excellent way to handle this situation is to set activities where you won’t need to hire referees or coaches. Allow them to play freely but keep watch on them for their safety.

Set local activities where they don’t need to travel

Some teens cannot join community activities because they do not have enough money for transportation, primarily when the activity is held in other places. Set activities where they do not need to travel places and spend money for transport. Setting activities in the area will encourage many teens to take part or go there.

Other teens are happy to organize their own events or activities if only they have facilities or equipment in the place or close to where they live. All they need is a place and let their imagination do the rest. They need an outlet where they can participate in different sports without being competitive all the time.

Improve existing facilities

Some teens are discouraged from participating in community activities or playing with their neighborhood. It is Because of low-quality facilities and equipment. Some local organizations neglect their finished projects, such as courts and parks. They forget that they need to maintain the quality of equipment too.

The low quality of maintenance by the local government discourages many teens. Improving the facilities, renovating, and changing the equipment will encourage many teens to try new things or play again.

You can even take this opportunity to involve older adults in making your community a better place. Encourage them to participate in community clean-up and improvement activities to make the spaces for teens more inviting. Purchase a few materials they can use such as paint, paint brushes, cleaning brushes for welders, brooms, and many more.

Make activities precisely for teenagers.

Some teens believe that the activities held by their local community government do not apply to them because some of them have age limits such as Zumba, gym classes, and other activities.

They believe that the local government only focuses on creating activities for adults rather than teens.

So it is important to create activities separately for teens, such as basketball, badminton, volleyball, or anything with your available equipment and space. It would also be good to remove age restrictions on activities like Zumba or gym classes. So interested teenagers can take part.

Set activities for teenage girls

Most activities that are being planned in communities are just for teenage boys. And girls are just there watching. It’s ideal to set activities for teenage girls to participate in and enjoy.

Zumba, dance activities, exercise, sports such as female basketball and volleyball are good choices of activities.

Helping teenagers in your community to be active allows them to be physically fit and healthy. It also keeps them away from addictions to negative things. Involving them in the community will enable them to have experience connecting with other people, which could be crucial for adulthood.

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