
Get Some Side Hustles While Rebuilding Your Business

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The world hasn’t stopped just because health restrictions are in place. It is merely slowing down, relaxing from a harried pace it has been forced to for so many years.

Understandably, many people are concerned because of the economic impact of a sudden standstill. For sure, many people right now are struggling to make ends meet, especially those who had been laid off from the closure of several companies. If you are one of them or are one of the business owners that had to close shop, know that you are among the millions of people in that situation right now.

The idea is not comforting, but at least you can be sure that you aren’t in that situation because of any shortcomings on your part. You might think it’s unfair what with you having worked those long hours to build your business up only to have it crash down now. But it’s not the end. Think of it as only a pause. There is this worn-out saying, ‘If there’s a will, there’s a way.’

While waiting for the perfect opportunity to rebuild your business, make the most of your time right now. Learn some new skills, finish a couple of online courses you could use in the future.

If you are hard-pressed for money, we have some suggestions below. They might not earn you as much as what you had been receiving before the pandemic, but they’re still a consistent source of income. Also, now is not the time to be picky.

Tutor English to overseas students

Before the pandemic, teaching online had already been a go-to source of income for backpackers, and they have several insights on its pros and cons. Admittedly, there are more people interested in this than before, but the market has also gotten bigger. Try to think of a selling point about yourself—you may have completed a cultural sensitivity training, you may know a second language, etc.

Many countries have shifted to online teaching modalities while there is no vaccine yet for COVID-19. Consequently, parents are looking to complement their children’s education by hiring tutors online.

Join the booming delivery businesses

Not only are the online retailers cashing in on the travel restrictions. Food delivery is also lucrative right now, although it had already been a thing before. You can check out DoorDash, Postmates, Uber Eats, and other similar food delivery platforms.

However, being on your own, look into your safety first and foremost. For example, consult with a personal injury attorney in advance, as you would be driving to places and dealing with different people, many of them quite agitated by the situation right now.

YouTube horror stories and online discussion boards are full of deliveries-gone-wrong scenarios. Learn from them. For sure, some of them are exaggerated, but it pays to be extra cautious than underprepared. Maybe even learn some basic self-defense.

Grow house plants

Saving up

The plant craze had already been booming even before the pandemic. However, with these enthusiasts—many of them belong to the middle class and can afford to work from home—having more time on their hands, it even went crazier during the lockdowns. The competition is no longer about traveling, but whose rooms look more like a jungle.

While you need to invest a lot to grow particular plants—like the expensive ones that are sourced out from tropical countries—some plants could grow with minimal care.

Succulents are easy to tend to, and they propagate fast if you are meticulous in your care. Be creative with your pots; sometimes, it is what makes their price jaw-dropping.

Grow edible plants

If selling ornamental plants is not your interest, you might want to go for food security instead. Grow vegetables. The sudden interest in growing backyard vegetables in the past months has shown that you don’t need acres of land to grow your food. If there are no vacant lots nearby like what some people have been advocating to use, just grow them in your house. Container gardening is no rocket science, but you need a lot of patience, especially if it’s your first time.

These are just a few of what you can do in your free time. There are still tons of other opportunities that have come out despite—and because of—the crisis. It gets depressing if you have to rely on dole-outs all the time, as it does not just affect the amount of money you have. Its bigger impact is on your self-worth. So make the most of what you can, and as long as you believe you are capable of getting through this, you will.

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