
Can You Spot a Great Leader?

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Strong leadership skills are essential for every company, whether it has one employee or one hundred. Successful leadership increases employees’ satisfaction, improving loyalty, collaboration, and personal and organizational productivity. Unfortunately, “company owner” does not often imply “fantastic business leader.” You’re already a company owner, but do you have what it takes to be a great leader?

Ability to Make and Stick to Goals

Setting goals is an essential aspect of leadership. Setting and accomplishing objectives is crucial to business and leadership success, whether you are just starting or have already built a massive empire. A well-defined goal boosts job productivity and pleasure. Setting strict targets, such as Wednesday at 5 p.m., helps workers more than just stating, “Let me know when your job is completed.”

Influential leaders continuously and widely convey the organization’s goal function—what are we attempting to achieve, the meaning of victory, and how should we evaluate our success—within their institution. This guarantees alignment and enables them to distribute responsibility for developing and executing plans to the greatest extent feasible to accomplish those goals.

Great Communication Abilities

Communicating expectations is one of the qualities that create a successful leader. They can speak extremely simply and succinctly—typically with few words and sentences—even on complicated topics. They’ve honed the abilities required to get to the bottom of things. Speak with your workers; where do they excel, and where do they need to improve? Most workers are aware of their particular talents and shortcomings at work.

To encourage clear dialogue between your workers and yourself, engage in informal discussions to establish a comfortable work atmosphere in which individuals can express themselves. Employees want to know that their employer is listening to them and taking their concerns seriously.  The most outstanding leaders are also excellent listeners.

Great at Giving Feedback

Giving constructive feedback is like going to the doctor for a cavity. It may be uncomfortable, but it is essential for progress and resolution. Apply criticism with the same care and efficiency as a dentist does while filling a cavity. After all, no one likes to go to the dentist, and no one wants to work for a nasty employer. Employees will get anxious if you yell at them, which can reduce their productivity. Intimidation and threat are not qualities of a leader. Instead, keep the conversation pleasant.

Begin with the positive news and then go on to what needs to be improved. It can be helpful to conduct either personal or group discussions without singling out individuals. You are not a principal; you are a coach.

business organization


Demonstrate an interest in your workers’ jobs. This leadership style enables you to keep a close eye on what’s going on within the business. Pay attention to the problems of your workers. Is there anything that needs to be worked out amongst coworkers? If this is the case, address the issue before it becomes a big one.

Take Accountability

We all make errors, even the most outstanding leaders:

  • Recognize that mistakes happen and accept responsibility for them. Pointing the blame onto a low-level employee undermines your influence in the business and demonstrates a lack of accountability.
  • Express the gravity of the issue. You don’t want others to question you, “Do you understand how serious this is?” following your effort to downplay the situation.
  • Pay attention to the input.

You may think that you’re to blame and that you need to solve it. This reasoning is akin to gluing a vase back together after breaking it, so your parents don’t find out. Openness is required for effective leadership. Listen to others to find the most excellent answer. Finally, set a good example for the future. When workers see their boss handle errors responsibly and with care, they are more inclined to do the same. Remember that acknowledging mistakes humanizes you and demonstrates excellent leadership skills.


Integrity entails more than simply doing the correct thing. It’s about standing up for something larger than yourself and establishing a precedent in your industry. After all, a company’s culture reflects the personalities of its executives.

That is to say, it all begins with you. Integrity is so vital to scaling organizations that today, you can easily pick candidates by letting them go through a pre-employment integrity test.

Imagine that you’re the boss now. Consider the excellent leadership characteristics that your former employers had. Did you value their communication abilities, work ethic, or motivation? Do you show the same behavior? By asking yourself these questions, you will strive to be the boss of your workers and company needs, becoming a great leader.

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