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Helping Unsheltered Individuals Get a Jumpstart in Life

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  • Nonprofits can address homelessness by providing housing and shelter through collaborations with local entities.
  • Job training and education programs offered by nonprofits can help unsheltered individuals become employable.
  • Personal hygiene and appearance services, including haircuts, teeth whitening, and clothing, boost self-esteem and employability.
  • Nonprofits can provide support, including mental health resources and food programs, to help unsheltered individuals start anew.

Homelessness is a significant issue that needs to be addressed in some communities, especially with the pandemic crisis making it even more challenging for unsheltered individuals. According to the Homelessness Research Institute, there were 568,000 unsheltered people in the United States in 2019. It’s a sad reality that needs attention and help. Here are some ways that nonprofits can help unsheltered individuals get a jumpstart in life.

Provide Housing and Shelter

It’s vital to offer a safe and secure environment for unsheltered individuals. That’s why nonprofits can provide housing and shelter. Providing affordable housing allows unsheltered individuals to have a safe place to stay and stability in their life. Nonprofits can collaborate with the following:

Local Government and Housing Agencies

Nonprofits can form strong partnerships with local government entities and housing agencies to secure funding or gain access to properties that can be converted into affordable housing units.

This alliance can also ensure adherence to all housing regulations and help navigate bureaucratic hurdles. These partnerships can foster a communal effort in combating homelessness and potentially lead to more comprehensive and long-term solutions.

Community Organizations and Advocacy Groups

Nonprofits can join forces with community organizations and advocacy groups to amplify their impact. This synergy brings together resources, expertise, and reach, thereby enhancing the capacity to help unsheltered individuals.

Community organizations often have deep roots in local neighborhoods, providing an understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities present. Advocacy groups, on the other hand, can harness their influence to drive policy change and increase public awareness about homelessness, thereby facilitating broader systemic change.

Private Philanthropic Investors

Private philanthropic investors can be a significant source of funding for nonprofits. These investors, who may be individuals or corporations, often contribute large sums of money to causes they are passionate about. By developing partnerships with these investors, nonprofits can gain the financial support necessary to provide housing and shelter to unsheltered individuals.

female volunteer contacting investors and other institutions for donations

Job Training and Education Programs

Unsheltered individuals may have barriers to employment, such as not having access to transportation, lack of work experience, and lack of education. Nonprofits can provide job training and education programs to help them acquire skills that will help them become employable.

These programs can include vocational training, GED classes, and entrepreneurship programs. By providing job training and education programs, nonprofits can help unsheltered individuals overcome their barriers to employment and become self-sufficient.

If possible, nonprofits can also offer internships and apprenticeships to give unsheltered individuals a chance to gain work experience and make connections in their chosen fields. This is especially helpful for those who are transitioning from homelessness into the workforce.

male teacher teaching male student how to use the computer

Help With Hygiene & Appearance

Maintaining personal hygiene and a presentable appearance can be incredibly challenging for unsheltered individuals, yet it is essential for self-esteem, health, and access to opportunities. Nonprofits can play a crucial role by providing hygiene products and facilities where these individuals can clean up. Here are other professional services they can offer:

Haircut Services

Offering haircut services is a simple but impactful way that nonprofits can help foster dignity and self-confidence among unsheltered individuals. A neat and clean appearance can significantly improve their chances during job interviews, not to mention the psychological benefits of feeling clean and groomed.

Nonprofits can partner with local salons or barber colleges to provide these services free of charge or at a minimal rate. Providing haircut services is more than just a haircut; it’s an affirmation of self-worth and personal dignity.

Teeth Whitening

It’s often overlooked, but dental health and appearance can significantly impact an individual’s self-esteem and employability. Nonprofits can help by providing effective teeth whitening services to unsheltered individuals. An appealing smile can be a confidence booster and make a positive impression during a job interview.

Collaborating with local dental clinics or dental schools can make it possible for nonprofits to offer these services at no cost. By doing so, they not only help to improve oral health but also enhance the quality of life of unsheltered individuals.


Many unsheltered individuals often lack access to clean, professional attire that is required for job interviews or everyday work environments. Nonprofits can significantly help by operating clothing drives or partnering with local businesses to provide these necessary items.

They can create closets of donated professional attire that unsheltered individuals can access when they have a job interview or secure employment. This initiative not only helps these individuals in their job search but also boosts their self-esteem, making them feel prepared and confident to face the world.

Nonprofits can play a vital role in supporting and assisting unsheltered individuals. By providing housing and shelter, job training and education programs, mental health and substance abuse treatment resources, food and nutrition programs, and community engagement and connection programs, nonprofits can help unsheltered individuals get a jumpstart in life. Work together to help those who are suffering from homelessness and give them hope for a better future.

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