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Moving to the Cloud: How to Make It Easy

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Cloud computing is one of those computing trends that have become a requirement in the business world. With the benefits it brings, it is often the best choice available for many companies.

Many companies have one part or more of their business in the cloud already. But moving fully on to it can be an intimidating task. Here are some tips that can help with your cloud migration:

Choose the Right Cloud Platform

There are multiple cloud platforms out there. The main difference that they have is the number of users they can accommodate and the data the platform can hold. Think about what your business is going to need in the future and see whether the platform can deal with it.

You should also look into what people are saying about the platform. You need to see how the service supports its clients and what other stuff it offers.

Have a Plan

When you have a cloud platform in your mind, you should then figure out how to migrate. For one, you are going to schedule your work schedule. You don’t want the migration to disrupt any job that you are doing. Have a specific period where your business is free so that you don’t have any problems with that.

Another thing you need to do is to back up all of your data. This ensures that if anything is lost, you can easily retrieve it.

Find a Partner

One of the advantages of cloud development becoming a normal part of business operations is that some services now offer help in migrating. For example, a ServiceNow implementation partner can help smooth things over for you if you plan to use the ServiceNow platform. They will send over the right people and allow you to set things up with no problem.

Look Into Your Current Setup

woman using her laptop

One of the big things you need to do is to have an audit of your current IT setup. This can surprise you since there might be some special circumstances in your systems. However, it is also an opportunity. When you’re done with your audit, then you should have an idea of what you can get rid of. Streamline your IT infrastructure so that your cloud setup is much smoother.

Meet With Your People

An important part of what you need to do is meet your people about the move. There will be some procedural changes in your office and your staff needs to know about them. Meeting with them ensures that they are not surprised about the changes. It would also allow them to adapt and prepare for the change. A sudden change will result in frustrated employees and many bumps along the way.

Have Someone in Charge

To make it easier, you need to have someone in charge of the cloud. You need someone who knows everything about the cloud platform so that they can resolve any problems. This ensures that people will have a professional to turn to for their problems.

Moving to the cloud brings many benefits to a business. These include cheaper IT costs and increased security. But the migration process can be confusing. With the tips above, you can be sure that your business will have a solid footing in the cloud.

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