face to face classes

Back to School: the Return of Face-to-face Classes

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Education is one of the foundations of life. It helps people to improve themselves and be better versions for the future. However, it has been a massive turn for this sector after the covid-19 pandemic occurred. Learning became online classes and other means to continue providing education.

As years passed by, various sectors developed vaccines that may help reduce the effect of covid-19. For this reason, many places already plan to return to face-to-face classes. Others decided to go back since they saw their area with fewer risks. Besides, classroom learning offers benefits.

Online Learning

During the pandemic, online learning is one of the options that helped students to continue studying. So, before you move forward with face-to-face learning, it’s best to know how online classes helped while the pandemic is still out there. You may see them below:

  • Teachers have different ways now to provide lessons to students using the online platform.
  • Online classes allow students to attend wherever they live.
  • Furthermore, online learning also helped parents reduce their costs, such as transportation.
  • Aside from that, students have a higher chance to maintain attendance.
  • It provides various learning styles that can benefit students.

Some schools even worked with IT solution providers to create a better learning environment for students during online classes. This digital evolution indeed helped in improving various industries. In this case, the sector for education is one of them.

However, face-to-face classes have been people’s way of learning ever since. Now that vaccines for covid-19 exist, the education industry has seen hope in bringing back face-to-face learning. This way of learning has advantages as well. You can find out about these benefits in a short while.

Face-to-Face Learning

Actual classes differ a lot with attending to online learning. Classes inside the classroom provide an effective way to learn knowledge and skills. In this setting, learning involves various activities, such as the items below:

  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Discussion
  • Presentations
  • Projects
  • Group work
  • Film clips
  • Demonstration
  • Practice

These activities are only a few of what students can do at school. Apart from the activities they can do at school, there are plenty of benefits that students can gain from this setting. These benefits make face-to-face classes engaging, favoring children for a greater cost.

student inside a classroom

Advantages of In-classroom Learning

The elements below are the advantages of sending students to actual school:

  1. Focus. Students can concentrate better when they are at school. Being at school means they only have to focus on studying and nothing else. In this case, the goal of students at school is to learn all they can, which they can apply for their future.
  2. Social learning. Being at school does not involve studying through books. Students can also learn from their peers and their teachers’ real-life stories. Students can learn more than theories. They will understand that life does not evolve with books alone.
  3. Completion rate. Students have higher chances to finish their studies at school. Being outside their homes can motivate them as well to complete schooling.
  4. Comfort. A traditional classroom involves a familiar ambiance to students. It provides students a valid feeling of being one. Moreover, it helps them stay comfortable even if they are far from their homes.
  5. Instant answers. During actual classes, students can get immediate replies to their questions. They can clarify all their questions right at the moment. For this reason, they can clear things up before moving to the next lesson.
  6. Connection. Apart from books, students can learn how to communicate and connect to others. They can build friendships with other students. They will also learn to see things from various perspectives.
  7. Discussions. Actual schooling allows students to exchange discussions with their teachers and classmates. They have various subjects that will require students to share their insights. Students can take part in it actively.

These benefits can hone the students’ whole personalities. Learning at school does not only focus on a book’s contents. Instead, students can learn more things they can apply in their actual lives. It allows them to gain experiences that they will remember for the rest of their lives. Classmates, friends, and teachers can create a bond that can only happen through face-to-face classes.

Now that the covid-19 pandemic still exists, parents have the right to choose which option will be best for their children. They can opt for online or face-to-face if already available in their area. In this case, low-risk places are starting to bring back actual schooling. Parents will decide if their kids are ready to get into face-to-face classes again.

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