construction worker

Safety in the Construction Industry: 4 Things You Need to Know

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Any workplace that deals with heavy construction work is dangerous, no matter how many safety precautions you take. There are always people operating heavy equipment, lifting heavy loads, and working with power tools, fire, and electricity. Safety should be the priority at any construction site, which is why workers in the field should do their jobs safely and properly.

I’m saying this because it’s easier to assume the worst than to become complacent and get into an accident. Industrial work is fraught with many dangers, from slips and falls to electrocution. Everyone at the worksite should work towards workplace safety as a common goal. Don’t wait until you have to contact a brain injury lawyer. Here are a few tips to make construction work safer.

1. Wear personal protective gear

The importance of personal protective gear or PPE cannot be understated. Anyone working with power tools and heavy equipment should wear the requisite safety gear before starting work. Here are some protective gear one should wear.

Before starting any heavy work, you should make sure that your head, including your face and eyes, are all sufficiently protected. It’s impossible to safely perform outdoor construction work without the required tools and safety equipment that minimize risk to the worker.

Be mindful of debris and particulates that could easily hit you or get absorbed or inhaled into your lungs or eyes. It is essential to protect your face and mouth: You could choke on the fine dust that emerges from the tools and equipment when switched on. emanate

If you use power tools regularly, you should take steps to protect your hands properly. Basic gear for hand protection includes rubber or leather gloves. In many jurisdictions, the employer is obligated to provide work gloves for their employees. If that’s not the case, you will have to buy a pair or two for yourself.

Excessive power tool use doesn’t only affect the hands, but it can injure your arms and wrists. Always wear protective cuffs for your wrists and heavy-duty sleeves to cover your forearms.

Finally, many power tools, such as jackhammers and drills, produce extreme levels of noise. You must wear safety gear to protect your hearing. Always earplugs or earmuffs when you’re out on the field. Earmuffs may also help keep you warm when working in cold weather.

2. Prioritize safety over speed

Doing your job safely also means you have to do it correctly. One of the most important things you can do is be careful when using dangerous tools and equipment. Improving your precision helps prevent accidents from occurring, such as hitting hard objects hidden in the material.

For instance, when drilling into a concrete slab you have marked out, you have to set the power tool at the lowest setting first. This helps you get your bearings before increasing the speed. Another helpful tip is to use a pilot hole. A pilot hole is a smaller hole that can help calibrate the drill. Slowly increase the drill’s speed and apply more pressure to push the drill down into the material as needed.

3. Don’t work near operating equipment

construction sites

A productive worksite is a safe one. While multiple equipment and machinery working simultaneously cannot be avoided, there should be ample distance between the machines to ensure safety.

Concrete-related jobs are especially dangerous as floating dust, and flying debris are common. Sparks, water, concrete, and other hard debris can fly into the air. Temperatures are usually high as well, easily causing burns and more.

4. Get some training

Do not use any tool or heavy equipment if you don’t have the requisite training or certification. Do not plan the job at the actual site as well. Most of the planning should occur at a safe distance. Inspections should also be performed often to ensure that safety regulations are met.

A final word

These four tips will help ensure a safer and more productive worksite. According to figures from OSHA, nearly 1 out of 5 fatalities in the workplace were in construction, making it one of the most dangerous industries for worker safety. Taking a proactive approach to occupational health and safety will help reduce worker deaths.

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