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How Tech Companies Are Helping Communities during the Pandemic

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When the pandemic started over a year ago, many communities were caught flatfooted, especially after the authorities issued the shelter-in-place directives. The situation forced many businesses to close and people to lose their jobs. Since there was little knowledge about the virus that caused the pandemic, people were uncertain what they could do to alleviate the situation.

It was good that some companies, particularly tech companies, helped the communities with some issues they had to deal with during the lockdown. Some of these companies provided connectivity to the communities so that they could access accurate information about the pandemic.

They also helped schools connect with their students as online classes became the norm during the health crisis. Here are some ways that tech companies helped communities during the pandemic.

Providing Access to Accurate Information

Online platforms did their part in providing accurate information about the pandemic when it started. Facebook supported communities as they ensured that people felt safe and became aware of what was happening around them. The social media giant worked on fighting misinformation by removing harmful and false content from the platform.

Similarly, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google also did their part in stopping misinformation from spreading. The false and misleading information hampered recovery and endangered the lives of many people across the country. Aside from removing false content, these platforms also distributed accurate content from verified sources.

Support Economic and Health Relief Efforts

Aside from removing false information, tech companies also supported efforts that provide economic and health relief to people around the country. Some companies provided direct monetary support, including the donation of Facebook for relief efforts and support for healthcare workers in the frontline.

Other tech companies provided their expertise, including creating an interactive map tracking the spread of the virus. Another tech company, IBM, used their supercomputers to help in the identification of drug compounds that can stop the virus. The same company helped researchers identify unique molecules in the virus to cure people who got infected.

On the other hand, SAP allowed free use of its technology to provide access to maintain supply chains, monitor flights, facilitate workforce preparedness, and provide video-based training courses to businesses. It also partnered with organizations to connect governments and communities to local resources.

Connecting Communities Through Social Media Platforms

Tech companies also made it easier for communities to connect with the people. It facilitated the request or offers for help with the communities. It also allowed emergency health organizations and local governments to reach the people staying home to avoid catching the virus.

Aside from the communities, schools also used social media platforms to connect with the parents and their children. This allowed them to stay updated about the situation and whether they had to conduct classes online or implemented a hybrid learning system.

The communities were not the only ones to use social media platforms. Small businesses also used it to connect with their market since they were already shopping online. These businesses also worked with the communities, particularly businesses supporting tech initiatives within the community.

These businesses also started a tech franchise to serve the needs of the community members through the equipment they offered in the market. This mutually beneficial relationship allowed the communities to acquire the equipment they needed for their members. On the other hand, businesses connected with their customers within the community and other areas close to the community.

Supporting Schools Through Technology

Tech companies also helped schools by providing free software they can use in classes. Educational technology or edtech companies also provided schools free access to premium software to continue teaching the students online. Some companies also helped school districts train the teachers to use different online tools that they can use in their online classes.

Additionally, these companies extended the free use of premium software to different resources that the teachers can use for their classes. They also provided free webinars and online sessions to teachers who were new to the software they were using.

The generosity of these tech companies showed their commitment to meeting the needs of the school districts and families during the crisis. Many of these companies provided free software and resource access with no strings attached. They did not expect anything in return. But some of them were confident that the students would like their programs and purchase the other programs they offer in the market.

The pandemic affected different communities across the country. But tech companies provided the support they needed to get back on their feet in the middle of the health crisis.

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