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Ways to Implement Changes to Your Community’s COVID-19 Response

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Helping out one’s community is the social responsibility of any business, regardless of its size. If your company isn’t addressing any community problems during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, you must consider giving back to be socially responsible and enhancing your community’s response to the virus.

Here are some of the things you can do to help your community as a business during the pandemic.

Remote Education Assistance

Students are some of the most affected individuals during the pandemic, leading them to continue their school-related endeavors at home, allowing them to pick up where they left off when the pandemic subsides. However, not all students have access to reliable internet connections and household environments, making remote learning challenging. As a business, you can help by providing students with consistent or stable places to learn or offering them free internet connection until the pandemic “ends,” allowing them to continue learning.

For better assistance, you can become a ServiceNow implementation partner to streamline digital transformation, giving you an all-in-one project combining all of your IT services management (ITSM) needs in one package. Doing this ensures all assistance provided for students goes smoothly.

You can also donate to nonprofit organizations like UNICEF and Save the Children to promote remote education as the pandemic progresses.

Volunteer for Contract Tracing of Movement

Contract tracing is a crucial part of controlling the pandemic and keeping cases to a minimum. Although the vaccination rollout continues at a steady pace, essential health strategies will be required for months—possibly even years. As a business, you can help with this by helping out on contract tracing of movement, efficiently tracking and breaking chains of transmission of the virus. Doing this helps minimize the number of cases within your community.

Mental Health Awareness for Remote Workers, Frontliners and Students

The ongoing pandemic has caused income loss, isolation, and immense fear among individuals, triggering several mental conditions and exacerbating existing ones. Many individuals may face increased levels of drug and alcohol consumption alongside anxiety and insomnia. Simultaneously, the virus itself may lead to neurological and mental complications, ranging from agitation, stroke, and delirium.

People with existing mental disorders are more prone to the virus, standing at a higher risk of severe outcomes or fatal consequences. As a business, you can help out these types of individuals and remote works, front liners, and students who are also suffering mentally by offering resources that address psychological suffering or hosting virtual mental health awareness programs.

You can encourage your employees to volunteer to help reconnect people and support those who need help while giving your workers a sense of meaning, counteracting low mood, and produce positive thinking.

happy person

Reskill Training for Unemployed

A great way to help out the community, especially those struggling because of unemployment, is offering free reskilling training courses. It involves training individuals on a new set of skills before their previous jobs, preparing them to take on a different career. Doing this helps you give those who lost their jobs due to the pandemic a second chance in life, helping them tackle a new career path and income source.

Vaccination Tracking Assistance

You can offer your assistance to the community by helping out with vaccination tracking, which involves managing records of those that haven’t been vaccinated or are due for their second doses or updated vaccines through an immunization tracker. It helps reduce paperwork while making the management of vaccine inventories and interpretation of immunization schedules easier. It also introduces updates of new vaccines or changes in the schedule accordingly.

Information Dissemination

The simplest thing you can do to help out your community and boost its response to the pandemic is to disseminate information every day. These include health-related updates, such as new strains of the virus, the number of cases in your locality, or vaccination schedules. You can stay up-to-date by looking at the local news, updates from your government, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These outlets likely have the latest information regarding the virus and its rapidly evolving situation.

As you receive new information regarding the virus, it’s best to use traditional and digital methods, including social media and word-of-mouth strategies, to inform your community, including other businesses, educational facilities, and hospitals. Whenever sharing the latest scoop on the virus, make sure they’re trusted sources and include handles run by the CDC and state or local public health departments.

As COVID-19 continues to spread across the world, governmental advisories and other protocols are changing every day. Because of this, numerous businesses are being affected alongside their communities. As a business owner, if you’re able, now’s the time to step up and help out your locality—and the methods mentioned are some of the best things you can do as a business.

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