What are Your Responsibilities as a Property Seller?

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Selling property is not as simple as putting up a “for sale” sign and expecting a huge wave of people to come in and make an offer. There’s a more complex process behind it that requires a lot of planning and preparation. And you have certain responsibilities to undertake before putting your home or building back on the market.

Prepare the property

Make sure the home or building looks tidy and smells nice. Whether it’s a new space, properties on the market need to appear enticing enough to any buyer. You’ll want to clear the clutter and remove any furniture or accessory that might not serve a purpose. You’ll also want to consider storing personal items because buyers will want to look at the space and envision how their lifestyles will fit.

Fix what needs fixing

Broken windows, creaky doors or lights that don’t function can turn off buyers. Such problems not only cost you an opportunity, but they could also give buyers a reason to negotiate a lower price.

Resolve any legal issue

Nothing ruins what should be a lucrative sale than the discovery of a legal impediment. Commercial or residential properties with a history of an environmental offence or renovations that didn’t go through the planning commission may complicate the sale. Seek an experienced solicitor handling real estate transactions to resolve such matters before you sell your property.

Get your contract of sale in order

In Australia, you have to prepare a contract of sale before advertising your residential property on the market. This legal document requires a copy of the title, current zoning certificate provided by your local council and a drainage diagram. Without the inclusion of this document and other relevant papers, your buyer may have a reason to rescind the sale within 14 days of the contract exchange.

house with a huge lawn

Communicate with potential buyers

Selling a home is just like any other business. And it’s crucial to be able to communicate effectively with potential buyers. Be an accommodating and cooperative seller. Answer all the questions your buyers ask and make sure they have a good experience during the course of the transaction.

This will not only help you sell your home fast and for good value, but it will also build your reputation and credibility.

Successfully request for a change of address

Once you’re able to sell your property and the new owner moves in, you wouldn’t want your bills and letters to be sent to that same address — especially when they might involve confidential matters. You wouldn’t want to bother your buyers with your personal business.

So make sure you go to relevant institutions and request a change of address. That way, your mail will still get to you.

Engage a legal practitioner

Once a price has been agreed upon, you’ll need the expertise of a legal practitioner who specialises in conveyancing. This will allow a smooth transfer of land ownership from you to the buyer.

A property sale is rarely easy, whether you’re putting a residential or commercial space back on the market.  Make the necessary preparations. Keep your property as enticing as possible. And get professional guidance where legal documents are concerned.

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