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What Is the Future of the Automobile Business Like?

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We’ve probably seen it in a lot of movies: flying cars that are being propelled by large fans that are blowing towards the ground or vehicles that use electromagnetic pads that make them levitate in the air. There’s one movie that shows how cars would look like during 2019. Of course, the film had a lot of difference with what’s happening these days. A year has passed since the premise of the show, and there’s probably nothing accurate besides some drones and a particular shoe company making a replica of a futuristic-looking pair of shoes that were in the movie. In reality, we are nowhere close to having flying cars, hoverboards, or even robot butlers that will serve our every whim.

We have to face it: 2020 has been and will be a year of twist and turns, which makes it unpredictable. One moment you’re working in an office, then the next moment you find yourself being stuck at home due to certain circumstances that are beyond our control. Businesses are also not safe from these events. The aviation industry is expected to lose around 4.6 billion passengers and billions of dollars in revenue. With that said, the future of many industries, including the automobile industry, is uncertain during these trying times.

But aside from all of these pop-culture references to iconic 80’s movies, is there any realistic prediction of what the automobile industry’s future will look like? Will corporations start using electric-powered cars or still go back to using traditional fuel-based cars?

Popular Trends

Despite a slump in most industries, there are still some ground-breaking trends that are being rolled out by all kinds of automobile companies. In terms of trends, this could include applications, new software, and, of course, performance improvements.

Autonomous Control

Ever since the start of the industrial era, most of our machines have become automated that needed little to no human supervision. It might seem like something off a science fiction movie, but self-driving vehicles have been a recurring trend. Even before 2020, most automobile companies have been clamoring for a design that would be cost-effective but also reliable.

Although, most experts would say that autonomous self-driving cars are falling short as a trend since most automobile companies failed to produce a target quota of ten million vehicles by the beginning of 2020. Aside from being rare and expensive to manufacture, there are reports of errors in the system when an autonomous vehicle encountered an accident with a pedestrian after a few glitches were detected.

Accident Managing Applications

When it comes to driving, you might have the sleekest and classiest car out there, but the first thing that we should always check is our seatbelts and safety measures being put in place. Since safety is our priority, having the right safety measures in place can minimize fatal and grievous injuries.

According to some statistical sites, road accidents remain to be one of the highest leading cause of deaths globally, claiming around a million lives annually. Of course, the best way to respond to an accident is with rapid-response assistance to treat injuries and provide repairs to the vehicle. That is where an accident management system comes into play. By Identifying problems as fast as possible, the appropriate service and rescue entities can spring into action.

Since it helps you identify the problem as quickly as possible, this can mitigate the consequences of a car crash, which is usually traffic congestion and a cascade of other accidents from happening.

Though road accidents are one of the most common accidents around the globe, being involved in one is quite stressful from the damages inflicted on one or both parties up to the legal impediments and its costs.

Row of carsInfrastructure Connection

One of the best ways of minimizing traffic accidents and errors in managing traffic is by directly linking the vehicle to the road’s infrastructure. Not only will this help the system calculate and control the flow of cars, but this will also ensure that everything is running smoothly.

The future is uncertain for the next five years to a decade from now. Fortunately, technology is always evolving, and the amount of innovations each year is accelerating at a steady pace. However, certain factors can change the ebb and flow of the industry at any moment. What might seem reasonable in theory now might not necessarily be effective when being applied in real life. That is in the case of autonomous self-driving cars, which wasn’t a hit since it needed more funding, and it was a bit harder to manufacture than other manually driven vehicles.

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