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Surprising Things That Can Be Shipped

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These days, online shopping is the answer to all of our needs. Do we need groceries and other necessities? We can turn to the website or mobile app of our favorite store. Do we need to read the latest books on the bestseller’s list? We can just buy our own copies off of the online store of our favorite bookshops. Anything that we need, we can buy online.

Online shopping and the shipping industry grew even more with the COVID-19 pandemic. For many months in 2020, people were stuck at home. Even quick runs to the grocery were already too much of a hassle. The lines were long, the supplies were low, and the risk of contracting the virus was too high. But now that people have become more mobile, many of us are still reliant on online shopping. We could get whatever we need with just a few taps on our smartphones.

But, still, we can still be surprised by the things that we can purchase online and have delivered to us. Here are some surprising things that can be shipped:


At this point, we all know that whatever we need for our home can be shipped to us. Materials for construction or renovation can easily be bought from online hardware stores. We can canvass and order pieces of furniture for our interiors and exteriors without ever leaving our couch. But did you know that you can order whole houses and have them shipped to the site of your home?

This is what manufactured homes are. Many of us might know them as mobile homes, too. But, today, manufactured homes are generally moved once. When it’s brought to the site, it will never be moved again, unlike actual mobile homes. Manufactured homes are built in factories instead of on the lot of your home. They are built in factories that are inspected and approved by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Many people opt for purchasing manufactured homes mostly because of the cost. It’s significantly cheaper than building houses onsite. And it takes much less time and effort. We won’t need to go through the hassle of starting a major construction project. With our homes shipped to us, all we’ll need is insurance for our manufactured home and we’re all set.


car accident claim

Another surprising thing that can be shipped is also another major expense. Truth be told, though, this shouldn’t really surprise us. The first thing that we do after deciding that we’re going to buy a car is to go online. We research car brands and models that would fit our needs. We scour websites and social media platforms for reviews of customers who bought the cars that we planned on buying.

Today, our online excursion to buy a car doesn’t stop there. We, too, can actually buy cars without meeting car dealers in person. Buying cars online can be less stressful, too. For one, negotiating car prices is much less stressful if it’s conducted online. We can do it through a call, on our own time, and in the comforts of our home.

Having our cars delivered to us is also much less stressful. We don’t have to think about the logistics of picking them up, especially if they’re on the other side of the country. We could just book a delivery slot and wait for it to come to us.

Playtime with Puppies

Of all the bizarre things that can be delivered to us, playtime with puppies might just be at the top of the list. From time to time, we often experience the need to play and cuddle with puppies. It’s simply the best solution to our terrible mood. But, unfortunately, many of us don’t have pet dogs at home. It’s not like we could just run to a friend anytime we want just so we could spend some time with puppies.

But Uber created a solution for this. For a limited amount of time back in 2017, the company offered “puppy playtime” and delivered dogs to us. This project was implemented in partnership with the Anti-Cruelty Society to promote dog adoption. All we need to do is to book our time with puppies and wait for them to be delivered to us.

Even though this project is long over, we can always hope that Uber would bring this back and deliver some puppy playtime to us.

With these examples, it’s clear that whatever we need can be brought to us. This proves that the industries of shipping, delivery, and online shopping don’t falter in bringing us the products and services that we need.

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